ISLAMIC LANDSCAPE: Paintings by Deni Je

Artist: Deni Je
Title: “The Wild White House”
Year: 2018
Size: 50 cm x 70 cm (19.6 in x 27.5 in)
Materials: watercolor on canvas

Price: US$ 3000
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This painting depicts the interior of The White House, the seat of United States government.

Now, the US has become a world superpower.

In history, superpowers, no matter how strong, will collapse, such as Egypt, Persia, Rome and the Islamic Caliphate. Likewise, the collapse of the US is not unusual.

I illustrate this with The White House which has been overgrown with wild trees.

The question is, after US rule, who will lead the world?

In the book “Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel Phillips Huntington, one of the civilizations that could replace the US is Islam.

Meanwhile, the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW reported that Islam would once again be victorious at the end of time.

Live video of the process of making the painting "The Wild White House".


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