ISLAMIC LANDSCAPE: Paintings by Deni Je

Artist: Deni Je
Title: “The Bloody Moon”
Year: 2018
Size: 38 cm x 55 cm (14.9 in x 21.6 in)
Materials: watercolor on paper

Price: US$ 2325
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This painting depicts a terror done by media toward a certain community. When mainstream media are conveying certain news, later on mostly other media are tailing them even without checking on facts.

The highlight on the word ‘terrorism’ to Islamic people is an example. This word has been growing since WTC 9/11 accident. Since then, without judicial process, US government immediately accused Islamic people as the suspect. US hand media also blame Moslem as the suspect. Stigma then created that men with beard and capri pants, as it is the appearance of Islamic identities trying to imitate the prophet’s examples, immediately are perceived as terrorism.  

I created this painting in the watercolor workshop in Krabi Thailand.

Andaman Art Museum, Krabi Thailand, 20 Juni 2021
Creation of the painting "The Bloody Moon" at the watercolor workshop in Krabi Thailand.

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