ISLAMIC LANDSCAPE: Paintings by Deni Je

Artist: Deni Je
Title: “Rihlah”
Year: 2016
Size: 17.6 cm x 25.4 cm (6.9 in x 10 in)
Materials: watercolor on paper

Price: Collected by Mr. F.S. (Bogor Indonesia)

Tourism (rihlah) carried out by Muslims is not only for worldly pleasures, but is a lesson about the truth of Islam and longing for God, Allah SWT.

This is like in the Koran, Surah Al-An’am verse 11, “Say: “Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth.”

In this painting I created scenic objects imaginatively, but no matter how imaginative, my perception cannot be separated from the nature created by God.


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