ISLAMIC LANDSCAPE: Paintings by Deni Je

Artist: Deni Je
Title: “One Dislike”
Year: 2023
Size: 50 cm x 80 cm (19.6x 31.4 in)
Materials: Acrylic paint and digital print collage on canvas

Price: US$ 3250
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This painting was inspired by a problem that often occurs in interactions on social media, namely the like and dislike signs. The like sign, which is manifested by a thumbs up image, is used by netizens to respond to content or status on social media. On the other hand, the thumbs down sign for dislike is chosen when a netizen doesn’t like certain content. Likes and dislikes will influence a content creator. He will feel appreciated when he gets a like, whereas the thumbs down sign makes him sad.

 Just as feelings of sadness are often more lasting than feelings of happiness, getting one dislike sign can sometimes disturb the emotions of the content uploader or status writer, even though he already has lots of likes.

Regarding joy and hate, Tirmidhi narrated the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad, “Love the person you love appropriately, it may happen that one day he becomes the person you hate. And hate the person you hate appropriately, maybe one day the person you hate will become the person you love.”

Hyperbolically, this painting depicts a dislike sign that can burn up its social media even though the uploader has actually received more thumbs up appreciation. Of course, this shouldn’t happen.


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